I know for us teens, receiving gifts is great. Who doesn’t love receiving something nice?
However, in the past few years, I have found that giving and doing things for others boosts
my self-esteem and gives me a glow that might be better than the one I get from my Drunk
Elephant drops. Hear me out…
When a medical issue left me out of school for months, unable to do sports, and socially
isolated, I felt incredibly sad and lonely. My mom and aunt both encouraged me to give back
to others. At first, I thought they were crazy. Afterall, wasn’t I the one who needed some support?
Or at least that’s how I felt at the time. But my mom and aunt grew up with very little and they
said giving what they could to others always made them feel better when times were hard. They explained that there is always someone struggling more who makes you feel grateful for the life
you have. I decided to give their suggestion a try. At first, I helped my mom deliver food to people
in need. It got me out of the house, and I felt better. When I returned to school, I challenged myself
to find someone who looked lonely at lunch and introduce myself. I was nervous and afraid of being rejected, but I did it anyway. She smiled and we talked, and I left the table feeling better about myself than I did before. Next, I joined a local soup kitchen, and I woke up early on the weekend to pack bags
of food for people who couldn’t afford to buy food themselves. My heart broke as I helped carry their bags outside to the frozen shopping carts many of the people used to push their food back home. They couldn’t afford a car. I quickly saw I had a lot to be grateful for, and I felt less alone in my sadness. From there, I got involved with a local charity for children, joined more service-focused clubs at school, volunteered at my church, cleaned the local beach and started saying yes whenever someone asked me to get involved with a project focused on giving to others. I’ve come to realize that I feel the best when I am giving to others.
My new favorite way to give back is to deliver dinner with a note and nut-free baked treat to a local family who I know is going through a hard time. I read the town and church bulletins, so it’s easy to identify people who could use a little boost. If someone’s mom or dad is sick, I make sure to smile more and try to cheer them up. I think it makes people feel better to know someone cares. How you give back doesn’t matter. I found it helpful to start by doing a small and free act of kindness at school. From there my giving back ideas quickly grew. Like a lot of things, getting started is the hardest part. But I promise, you will be glad you did it. I love fun challenges; they motivate me. So, I challenge you to find your own way to give back to someone in need. I will send mini Drunk Elephant D-Bronzi drops to a person who likes this post AND who also shares their own personal giving back story. Good luck and Happy New Year!
(See my contact page for the giveaway)